Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), from FTSB are the perfect way to help you live the way you want after your working days are over.
We offer:
- Traditional
- Roth
- Simple
- Self-Employed Pension Plans (SEP)
We offer two deposit options for investing your funds:
- Certificate of Deposit (requires a term of at least one year)
- Savings
If you have a high-deductible healthcare plan, a Health Savings Account, (HSA), can help you pay for medical expenses. HSAs are:
- Tax-exempt
- Covers out-of-pocket medical expenses
- Subject to eligibility
- A deposit of $.01 is required
Coverdell Education Savings Account
The cost of education continues to rise, but FTSB offers a savings solution to help pay for your children’s education expenses. With a Coverdell Education Savings Account:
- Contribute up to $2,000 per year to a designated beneficiary
- Money can cover expenses related to elementary, secondary or post-secondary education at a public, private or religious institution
To find out more, we encourage you to contact us.
Alicea Porter

Sadie Rosenmeyer
Yvonne Zittritsch

Montanna Ostrander

Kristin Bullerman

Julie Newton

Laura Eilertson